We will remember them

Remembrance Day 2020

On Wednesday 11th November the Latymer community marks Remembrance Day, paying tribute to those who have died, including the Latymerians who served in World Wars I and II.  

Adaptations have been made this year to mitigate for COVID-19, for example the selling of poppies will be done within year group  bubbles; the two minute silence will be marked at 11 am on Wednesday 11 November with Yr 12 student, Oscar playing ‘The Last Post’. Sadly the need for social distancing means that staff and students will not be able to congregate in the piazza as would normally happen, and instead students will mark the two minutes in their classrooms. 

Thanks to the extraordinary work done by Malcolm Smith, our former Archivist, we have two comprehensive documents which bring to life many details of those of our school community who died in World War I and II. A dedicated website to Remembrance Day has been created, featuring these documents as well as lots of other content that explores the many different elements that make up this important time for reflection in our school calendar.  School Chaplain, Mr Cook has also compiled a video explaining how we are marking Remembrance Day and how members of the community can get involved. 

The ‘I Choose to Remember Cards’ which were so popular last year, have been distributed to every member of the school with everyone invited to pick a Latymerian from the boards in the Hall to remember. Picking a Latymerian to remember is a really fitting way to engage with this moving period in the school year. Earlier this year, Yr 12 student, Olga researched the story of Surry Bird, a Latymerian and RAF pilot who was shot down over Yugoslavia in 1944 after successfully completing his mission. She writes: “Surry was only 24 years old when he died…less than a decade since he left Latymer. He had a wife and two young daughters…it is important that we recognise those who made that victory possible.” Year 12 student Santiago, researching the story of Latymerian Ivan Burger and his younger brother Ralph who were both killed during the Second World War, found it a very moving experience: “Sometimes in History, a story with strong parallels to your own life, will capture your attention and draw you in.” Both of their pieces are featured on the website, as well as some wonderful readings of poems written by Latymerians during the First World War.

Karen Dove
Author: Karen Dove

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