Superhero Day raises thousands for our NHS 

As a thank you to our amazing NHS key workers, Latymer held its very own Superhero Day on Friday 12 February, with donations going to The Imperial Health Charity

The whole community got involved, with staff and students coming up with some fantastic superheroes costumes (see images below). Prizes were awarded at form time by which time over £3,000 had been donated. 

Student prizes for Most Heroic Effort went to Rhea for her outfit and thoughtful message and to Sonny for his Invisible Man.



Teacher Prizes went to The Miss Green Lantern and ArtMan!


“This has been one of the best fancy dress days we’ve ever had and I’m so grateful to everyone who has donated,” says Patrick Whitfield, Charities Coordinator, who helped organise the day. “Yet again Latymerians have used their imagination and creativity for the benefit of a good cause. We wanted to do something to show our appreciation for what our NHS workers are doing and what they have been through. Since the appeal was launched last year, the Latymer community has donated nearly £15,000 to this great charity.” 

If you would like to donate to this fantastic cause, please click here. Your donation will help provide extra support to NHS staff and patients at 5 London hospitals – Charing Cross, Hammersmith, Queen Charlottes & Chelsea, St Marys and the Western Eye as they continue to fight the coronavirus pandemic on the front line.

Below are some messages of thanks and support from our students:


Karen Dove
Author: Karen Dove

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