Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2023

As a School that recognises and respects everyone as unique, we are proud to be supporting Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2023. 

Students, Reya (Y10) and Marcus (Y11), led assemblies for every year group across the Prep and Upper School as well as pupils at nearby St Peter’s Primary School, one of our partner schools. They spoke about what neurodiversity means, Autism and ADHD and the support Latymer’s Academic Mentoring Department can offer. The response from everyone they spoke to was incredible.

As well as supporting Reya and Marcus, Mrs Ellis and the Academic Mentoring team shared resources – and a special celebratory cake – with students and with their bake sale raised just over £200 for our Bursary Fund for Neurodiverse students who need support and assessment.

They also worked with Ms McCargar and the Library team to create bespoke reading lists and a special display to highlight the many books about and for people who are neurodivergent and organised for ‘Ollie the Therapy Dog’ to come in for a visit. Our students were absolutely thrilled to meet him!

Karen Dove
Author: Karen Dove

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