Latymer’s Global Goals: Our Students Solve World Problems

At Latymer Upper School, we like to challenge our students.

Global Goals does exactly that; a Latymer-led, interdisciplinary learning project, where students use one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals to research and create solutions to the world’s most pressing problems…. 

In small groups, our students presented these ideas at our Global Goals exhibition. 

To see some of their amazing and innovative solutions, scroll down for more….


Problem: Is safety determined by gender?

Our Latymerian Global Goals Solution:

“We discovered that 71% of women are more likely to die in a car crash, so we combine a male and female body to create a gender neutral dummy.

We’re going to use this in car testing to make sure everyone feels safe on the road and to lower the death toll.”

Problem: Is food poverty in the UK a growing issue?

Our Latymerian Global Goals Solution:

“We’re going to implement our idea of a buy one get one free supermarket

These supermarkets will give these products to food banks who will give them to people across the country in food poverty.”

Problem: Is air travel causing too much carbon dioxide pollution?

Our Latymerian Global Goals Solution: 

“At SEA we are harvesting the power of the sun by putting solar panels on planes. We reduce carbon emissions and contribute to a greener future for all of Aviation.”

Is the quality of education and diversity in our borough sufficient?

Our Latymerian Global Goals Solution: 

“Our idea is to host a local school exchange within the 28 schools  Hammersmith. This is where we exchange students share experiences and how diversity is tackled within schools. From this we can lean from different cultures and religions, and make new friends. 

Are we overly dependent on non-renewable energy sources 

Our Latymerian Global Goals Solution: 

Ergo Energy: We are solving this issue by using renewable energy created by Ergos from the gym. Alongside this we are promoting good health, fitness  and wellbeing. WE ARE ERGO ENERGY! 

Our future Latymerians have got us covered! 

For last years Global Goals click here

And to see our students in action on Global Goals day see our Instagram

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