Latymerians’ success at Model UN Conference

Latymerians – Olga and Michael (Y13), Ela (Y12) and Y11s Harris, Francesca, Marcus, Joseph, Daniel, Joshua, Valeria and Antonia – enjoyed taking part in the West London Model UN 2023 (WLMUN23), a Model UN Conference held at the American School in London last Saturday. 

Despite having been allocated some ‘tricky’ countries – Afghanistan, Russia, Syria and Uganda – these students acquitted themselves very well in their individual committee debates with Michael, Harris, Francesa, Marcus, Joseph, Daniel, Joshua, Valeria and Antonia being awarded prizes for their contributions. 

“Well done to all of our students who took part,” said Mr Stewart who oversees the Model UN Society. “This success is all the more impressive as many of these students are new to Model UN, having only joined at the start of the academic year. They will have another opportunity to compete this weekend at another Model UN conference at Westminster School.”

Model UN (or MUN) is offered as an extra-curricular activity and enables students to learn about diplomacy, international relations and the United Nations. MUN involves and teaches valuable researching, public speaking, debating and writing skills, in addition to developing critical thinking, teamwork and leadership abilities.

Regular MUN conferences are held all over the world; participants, known as delegates, are placed in committees and assigned countries that they then represent. They are presented with their assignments in advance, along with a topic or topics that their committee will discuss. Delegates conduct research before conferences and formulate positions that they will then debate with their fellow delegates in the committee, staying true to the actual position of the member they represent.

Karen Dove
Author: Karen Dove

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