Latymerians celebrate record number of Early Offers from leading international universities

Congratulations to our students who have done incredibly well with early offers from some of the world’s leading universities – both in the UK and abroad. There have been 25 offers from Oxford and Cambridge and a further 38 early acceptances from some of the world’s leading international universities, for September 2023 entry. 

The range of these international institutions is incredibly diverse, encompassing public research universities like McGill, the University of Virginia, Melbourne and Purdue; private universities like Brown, Bocconi, Dartmouth, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Notre Dame, UChicago, UPenn and Yale; technological institutes such as Rochester Institute of Technology, and liberal arts colleges such as Amherst and Bard. 

In addition to the early acceptances, we are particularly proud that so many Latymerians have been awarded significant scholarships and financial aid awards. Louise has been awarded an international scholarship at Bocconi; Sam has received the Chancellor Scholarship at Queen’s; Jad, a merit scholarship at the University of Toronto and Jackie a merit scholarship at Sarah Lawrence College. Indira, who rowed for Team GB last Summer, achieved a rowing scholarship at University of Washington. 

David Goodhew, Head said: “The whole team here at Latymer Upper are incredibly proud of our students. They have done so well to have achieved these early offers from a range of universities abroad and at Oxford and Cambridge. That they have also been awarded scholarships reflects exactly those qualities – combining excellence in their academic work and their broad range of interests – that we aim to instil through the ‘rounded and grounded’ education we offer at Latymer. I’m particularly pleased for our bursary-holders, whose success demonstrates the life-changing impact our programme can have. Twenty-eight have made applications and now hold offers from universities including Imperial, UCL, Durham, Edinburgh, Manchester, Bath, Bristol and Brighton & Sussex Medical School; two have offers from Oxford and four from international universities.”

Simon Lewis, Latymer’s Head of International University Advising, said: “International universities have become increasingly popular amongst students at Latymer, with 71 enrolling at an international university in the last three years. Our ethos is to support students in finding those institutions where they will thrive academically, socially, and in terms of career opportunity. This is reflected in the ever-wider range of countries, universities, and programmes of study where Latymer students are applying and getting admitted.”

We look forward to announcing further exciting university news later next term as the picture develops both internationally and in the UK. 

Karen Dove
Author: Karen Dove

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