Latymerians celebrate excellent GCSE results

  • 92% of grades at 9/8/7
  • 78% of grades at 9/8
  • 47% of results were the highest possible score at a 9 grade  
  • 16 pupils achieved a clean sweep of 9 grades in all their exams
  • 105 pupils (64%) achieved a 9/8/7 in all of their exams
  • 73 pupils (44%) achieved a 9 grade in Mathematics
  • 97 pupils (59%) achieved a 9 grade in English Literature

There were plenty of smiles this morning as Latymer families celebrated excellent GCSE results, with many siblings having already received great A Level results last week, including:

  • Rosella Gostelow achieved nine 9 grades. Her sister Melita celebrated her A Level results last week – 3A* grades, and is on her way to study Natural Sciences at Cambridge
  • Mateus Porfirio scored ten 9 grades today – his brother Lucas achieved 3A*s at A Level last week and is off to Oxford to study Chemistry
  • Melina Duer scored ten 9 grades today – her brother Nick achieved 4A*s at A Level last week and will study Maths and Computer Science at Imperial
  • Morley twins Orlando and Josephine achieved eighteen 9 grades and two 8 grades between them

Bursary pupils achieved fantastic results, with eleven pupils achieving 9/8/7 grades including Hadeel Al Hasani who scored eleven 9 grades and whose brother Aos, also a Latymerian, is studying medicine at Imperial.

Pupils studying science and languages at GCSE had much to celebrate:

  • Physics – 97% of results were 9/8/7 grades
  • Biology – 97% of results were 9/8/7 grades
  • Chemistry – 95% of results were 9/8/7 grades
  • Mandarin – 100% of results were 9/8/7 grades
  • Latin – 98% of results were 9/8/7 grades
  • Greek – 100% of results were 9/8 grades

Latymer Upper School Head, David Goodhew said: “Congratulations to all our GCSE students for their terrific results. I am very proud that, as well as achieving top grades in the sciences, many of our students have become accomplished in arts subjects with 9/8/7 grades scored by 96% of our musicians and 91% of our drama students. We look forward to welcoming our Year 11 pupils to the Sixth Form, along with our new joiners, to pursue their academic and extra-curricular passions.”

Author: sdd@latymer

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