Latymerian fencing champion selected for GB Cadet Team

Fencing champion Josh Willcox (Y11) has had a busy year competing on the prestigious European Cadet Fencing Circuit in which fencers from around the globe compete with the best of the Europeans. Only this weekend the Team GB member travelled to France to compete in Grenoble. Josh is an inspiring athlete who will undoubtedly encourage other Latymerians to take up this physically demanding sport – now an extra-curricular option at the School.

As with all sports, Josh didn’t get where he is today without putting in many hours of training over the seven years since he started Fencing – currently around 10 hours a week. The time spent honing his skills paid off last year when Josh was selected for the Team GB U17 Cadet Team, since when he has competed in Poland, Slovakia, Denmark and Austria.

We wish Josh the best of luck in his next bout!

Karen Dove
Author: Karen Dove

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