Latymer Upper School Prizegiving 2024

The 2024 Prize Giving Ceremony at Latymer Upper School was a fantastic celebration, honouring the dedication and hard work of our students and staff.

This special event brought together parents, Governors, and guests, including the Mayor of Hammersmith & Fulham Councillor Patricia Quigley, to recognize the achievements of our school community.

Mr. Chataway, our Head of Pastoral, had the honour of presenting the prizes. This year, we introduced several new awards. As Mr. Chataway prepares to leave Latymer, his final Prize Giving Ceremony was particularly poignant, marking the end of an era with much-applaused and heartfelt speeches 

Students were celebrated for their academic excellence, artistic talents, and contributions to the school community.

Each award was a testament to the hard work and perseverance of our students, who continue to shine in their respective fields.

Congratulations to everyone on their well-deserved achievements! Your dedication and passion for learning continues to inspire. Thank you to our staff, parents, and special guests for making the 2024 Prize Giving Ceremony an unforgettable event and we wish you all a fantastic Summer holiday. 

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