Latymer Teacher wins Rex Walford Award

Latymer Teacher wins Rex Walford Award

Huge congratulations to Latymer Geography Teacher India Owens who has won the Rex Walford Award, created for trainees or teachers who have just started their careers. The competition, run by the Royal Geographical Society, asked entrants to create a short scheme of work to inspire their students in their subject. 

“For the award I submitted a scheme of work and resources to encourage students to create a ‘Blueprint for the Future’, considering a range of global issues we currently face and how we as geographers may be able to resolve them in the future. I look forward to integrating the resources I created into our topic on ‘Managing Resources’ in the summer term for Year 8.” India said.

India received her award from Tom Heap’s Countryfile and her resources will be available on the RGS website in due course. 

The award was named after Rex Walford. Rex was a teacher, a natural enthusiast, a leading international name in geography education, a long-serving Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and one of the first group of Chartered Geographers. He supported the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) in many ways over more than 25 years.


Image: Winner India Owens pictured with RGS-IBG Director Professor Joe Smith and Tom Heap

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Karen Dove
Author: Karen Dove

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