Frequently asked questions for 11+ entry into Year 7

How many children in a year group?

Year 7 typically has 168 children, 44 usually move up from Year 6  in Latymer Prep and approx 125  join from primary and prep schools with a fairly even split of private and state schools.

How many children in a class?

Each year group has 168 children split into 10 tutor groups of 16-18 children, these are then mixed to create seven teaching classes of 24.

What is the school uniform like and where do we buy it?

The uniform was redesigned and launched in September 2020. Our uniform supplier is Stevenson’s who offer both a retail shop in Twickenham and online via their website (

Which languages are studied and is there a choice?

In Years 7 and 8, children learn Mandarin, Spanish and Latin. Mandarin and Spanish are widely spoken globally and, for the vast majority, children might not have come across these languages before and everyone starts on a level playing field. For Year 9, there is an option to drop Latin and students continue with Mandarin and/or Spanish and they also have the opportunity to pick up French or German. All four languages are offered at GCSE. All Latymer students study one modern language for GCSE, but a good number will study two.

My child is bilingual, can they take their GCSE early?

When your child joins the School, they should arrange to have a conversation with the Head of Modern Languages to discuss the options available for each language. There is not a separate bilingual “stream”. Typically, native language/bilingual students sit the exam in Year 9 or 10.

Are children set for Maths or any other subjects?

From Year 8 onwards, Maths is not taught in the usual Latymer teaching groups. Instead we make decisions about a student’s Mathematics class after careful consideration of the student’s recent progress, their specific strengths and weaknesses, and the learning environment to which we feel they will be best suited. The focus is on what we believe best supports a student’s progress now, making no assumptions about their future performance; indeed, a student may well change classes multiple times during the course of their study as we respond to their strengths and weaknesses developing and changing over time. This doesn’t necessarily occur at specific points in the year; we tend to respond more flexibly as we notice students who seem to be in the wrong class for them, and the decision is always made after close discussion with their Maths teacher, who will make a judgement based on everything they know about the student as a mathematician and a learner, including how they are in lessons, their classwork, their homework, their performance in class skills checks, their confidence levels, their specific strengths and weaknesses and whether these could be better supported in another class.

We made the decision a couple of years ago to name our Maths classes according only to the teacher’s initials. We very much wish to discourage any discussion or sense of class ranking or sets, as we strongly believe that a focus on class ranks and sets is unhelpful, and rather than students focusing on their performance relative to their peers, we would like them to consider only how they can make the best possible progress themselves. This is one of the reasons why pupils won’t often receive a score or grade for any Maths homework or skills checks for much of their time in the School, although they will get plenty of formative feedback to help them identify how to improve their work and their mathematical understanding.

Can children use a laptop?

All pupils are provided with a laptop when they join the School in Year 7. We use Google Classroom for homework and during some lessons.

What is the split between boys and girls?

Across the School – 50/50.

Am I eligible for a bursary or assistance with the school fees?

Latymer’s bursary programme provides financial support to bright children who do well in the School’s rigorous entrance exams, regardless of their financial background. Bursary applicants must first meet the same academic requirements for entry to the School as other pupils. 11+ bursaries are means-tested and based on family financial circumstances. They vary in amount from 25% to 100% of fees, you need to apply for a bursary at the time of registration, any awards are agreed at the time of offer.

We have examples on the website and we are always very happy to speak to you if you have any questions, 

What other scholarships do you have? Art, Drama, Sport or Academic?

Academic scholarships are offered at 11+ with amounts awarded at the time of offer. These normally consist of a one-off payment of £1,000 at the time of entry. At the Head’s discretion, a larger financial element may be awarded. No separate application is required for an academic scholarship and there is no separate scholarship examination or interview. Drama, Art and Sport scholarships are offered at 16+ only.

How do children travel to school?

Latymer is situated near Hammersmith and is a two minute walk from Ravenscourt Park tube station on the District Line and lots of buses stop nearby on King Street. We encourage pupils to travel to School using sustainable means – cycling, walking and public transport. We do not run a coach service.

Can my child bring packed lunch to school?

Lunch is provided in the  Dining Hall with drinks and snacks available to buy from the Atrium Cafe. Children may choose to bring in a packed lunch and this can be eaten in the Dining Hall together with friends who have school lunches. Notice is required if you wish to stop having school lunch.

My child can be anxious about new things, how do you help?

We have a very thorough induction programme in place to ease the transition from primary to secondary school. Successful candidates are invited to an induction evening in June along with their parents where they get to meet their tutor and other members of their form. We also have an induction afternoon the day before the rest of the school returns in September and a Y7 bonding day at an outdoor activities centre in the first week. This runs alongside a very strong pastoral team consisting of a Head of Division, Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year and form tutors who are very experienced in looking after new students.  More information about student’s wellbeing is available here

What clubs and activities are offered?

The School has a broad range of co-curricular clubs and activities. There is something for everyone – from Dungeons and Dragons, knitting, water polo, tennis to Japanese puzzles and much more.

During the penultimate week of the Summer Term we hold an Activities Week, during which pupils can take part in trips and activities. Most trips are residential and are based all over Europe. Children select their top choices in the Autumn Term and will be allocated a trip after Christmas. As with every other co-curricular activity, costs are kept under constant review and we follow government guidance in the delivery of these activities.

Which sports do children play?

In Year 7, boys play rugby, football and cricket or athletics, girls play hockey, netball, rounders, athletics or cricket. We field A-D teams and usually fixtures take place most weekends with training at least one day after school. From Year 9, children can choose rowing for Games lessons. During PE lessons, children have opportunities to play badminton, basketball and many other sports including at least half a term of swimming each year.

For boys’ rugby, we cater for all levels in Year 7 right the way through to Year 13. Those pupils new to the game, will be offered touch rugby and touch rugby fixtures to supplement that competitive edge. Any player who is new to the game will also be taught how to play correctly and safely, especially around tackling. Players that are new to the game must complete a tackle competency test that is overseen by the Head of Rugby. A player can only be signed off to play contact rugby, if they have demonstrated the safe and correct ways to tackle. Player safety is at the forefront of everything we do within our rugby programme. Should a player wish to stay playing touch rugby, then we will ensure they do so.

Do boys play hockey?

We run a boys hockey club in the co-curricular programme throughout the school year.

Can girls play football?

Yes, there are girls football teams as part of the co-curricular programme.

More details about Sports can be found here.

Do most children stay at the school for Sixth Form?

We are an ‘all-through’ School. the overwhelming majority of students move up from Year 11 to study in the Sixth Form. Every year we also welcome around 30 new students. Our new joiners come from all backgrounds and are a welcome and valued addition to Latymer. 


If you have any further questions or would like to discuss your application in more detail, please contact the Admissions Team via email or phone 020 8148 4519

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