Latymer Upper School – Over a hundred students take part in LATYMUN24, our Model UN Conference

Model UN is a thriving, weekly student society at Latymer, with students participating in external conferences, including a forthcoming one at London Oratory.
LATYMUN24 is the first Model UN Conference to be held at Latymer in almost a decade; the conference is also unique in that it is evening-only. Over a hundred students took part, including students from seven other independent and state schools. 
The conference was almost entirely organised by three U6 students, Marcus, Joe and Josh, who serve as ‘secretaries-general’ of Model UN at Latymer, with students of all ages taking part, including year sevens. 
Students debated a diverse range of issues,  mirroring the procedure used by the real UN and debated issues as diverse as:
The rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon
The increased use of cyber warfare
International smuggling
Gang crisis in Haiti
All students threw themselves into their respective debates, and the teachers that accompanied them all expressed their gratitude for this opportunity. Our own students acquitted themselves admirably. Particular praise should go to MarcusJoseph  and Josh (all U6), the secretaries-general of Model UN at Latymer Upper School, who not only run our weekly sessions but also helped to organise the conference.
Huge thanks also go to Lizzi Goodchild , for her help in organising the conference and her continued support with Model UN at Latymer. 
Awards were issued at the end of the conference, but the three secretaries-general – Marcus, Joe and Josh – insisting that these be awarded to students from visiting schools. 

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